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West Lynn Primary School


We believe that Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) and PSHE is an integral part of a child’s education. The aim of the PSHE curriculum is to empower pupils with the knowledge and skills to take a proactive role in their own lives and in the life of their community. It promotes British Values, respect for self and others as well as different beliefs and choices. Pupils reflect on their experiences to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

The programme that we follow is adapted to suit the needs of the children. As we want it to be purposeful, we use the Jigsaw curriculum, which provides exciting hands on experiences and debates to get the children really involved in their learning.

The curriculum is designed to bring together PSHE education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning; this enables pupils to learn by making connections across units of work, which are cyclical. The six puzzles (units) in Jigsaw are sequenced so that every year group works on the same theme at the same time allowing for a whole school approach - Autumn 1: Being Me in My World, Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference, Spring 1: Dreams and Goals, Spring 2: Healthy Me, Summer 1: Relationships and Summer 2: Changing Me (including Sex Education). Each puzzle has six lessons. It is relevant to pupils living in society today, ensuring they are equipped to cope with issues like body image, bullying (including cyber bullying) and internet safety. Much of the PSHE curriculum is practical and discussion based; this is recorded in a whole class floor book.

The PSHE curriculum provides for gradual progression in terms of knowledge and understanding of the different concepts covered; for example, In the ‘Celebrating Differences’ puzzle piece Year 1 pupils explore the similarities and differences between people in their class. In Year 4, they build upon this to understand that sometimes people make assumptions based on what people look like, and in Year 5, they discover that cultural differences can sometimes cause conflict. Likewise, in the ‘Changing Me’ puzzle piece, pupils in Year 1 identify body parts that make boys different to girls. In Year 4, pupils identify and label the internal and external body parts and this means that by Year 6 pupils have the necessary knowledge to explain how girls and boys bodies change during puberty.

As part of the planning and implementation of the PSHE curriculum staff will:

  • Consider the progression of skills.
  • Refer to specific knowledge goals on our knowledge organisers, this outlines the knowledge and skills all children must master.
  • Use and model the key vocabulary as outlined in the Jigsaw programme.
  • Use hands on experiences, which include discussion and debate.
  • Use effective questioning in order to enable pupils to apply their learning in a philosophical/open manner.
  • Provide enrichment opportunities to enhance the learning experience.
  • Use floor books to evidence pupil’s voices, thoughts, feeling and ideas.

For our pupils to be provided with accurate information, positive values and the skills to enjoy healthy, safe and positive relationships, to celebrate their uniqueness and to take responsibility, as well as make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing, both now and in the future: preparing them for a successful life as an adult.

To view the Curriculum Overview click here.